October 9, 2011

Homework's Effectiveness

Well, I have just finished reading Alfie Kohn's book "The Homework Myth."   Yes, it took me that long - it wasn't summer reading!  I recommend it wholeheartedly to any of you who question the value of homework, are borderlining between assigning it or not, and even to those of you who swear by homework.  I used to be a homework person - I gave out homework daily.  Even my initials are the same as the abbreviation (HW).

One of the biggest values I strongly believe in is a strong family unit.  So when I hear that homework is just an extension of the school day and kids are unable to spend time with their families, that gets my attention.  Observations and surveys have consistently shown that homework is stressful on the child and affects their relationship with their parents.  Kids are unable to be just that - kids.  They have to continue to "learn" at home.  Let's be honest here -- are they really "learning" anything at home?  Or is it just busywork (aka practice)?  I don't want them to make the same mistake 20 times over and ingrain that habit.  I'd rather be present to correct any mistakes as they are made.

Now, I have no hard data or empirical evidence to back up my claim.  But based on my observations and discussions with students thus far, there is no difference in their understanding/performance this year without homework than there was last year when they had daily homework.  Certainly, the overall grades are lower but that's because I don't grade on homework or participation anymore.  I am grading them on what they actually know (thus the use of Standards Based Grading).  Now that I mention it, I bet I could go back to grades from last year, eliminate the homework and participation scores, and see how it compares to this year.  But, at this time of overwhelming changes in my life, no way.  It'll have to wait till summer.

There are a whole myriad of reasons not to give homework that I can't get into here --- go read the book.  Alfie also has a website as well.

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